Homemade Lemonade

Homemade Lemonade

Fresh squeezed lemonade, get your fresh squeezed lemonade!!

You’ll see, making it at home is so simple. Every week I make sure to stock up on my citrus. I get mine at target, 1 bag of lemons, and 1 bag of limes. I find them so useful in different dishes. And of course for making lemonade.

But every time I squeeze a lemon, I think of the time my kids had a lemonade stand. I could barely keep up! It was around fair time and they kept quite busy. It’s a memory I’ll definitely remember forever. I know they will too!

It may be winter but in my house on occasion, we are still drinking lemonade. And why not? When your trying to not buy pop, sometimes you need something fun to drink, right? Plus lemons are full of vitamins and minerals that are so healthy for you. So give it a try!



  • 5 lemons- 4 to juice and 1 to garnish
  • 1 1/2 cups of granulated sugar
  • 6 cups of water

You’ll need a bowl, knife and hand juicer. Cut each lemon in half and use the hand juicer to squeeze the juice out of the lemon into the bowl.

You’ll need the juice of 4 lemons


Put a little strainer on your pitcher, then add the juice. The strainer will catch all the seeds and pulp.

Now add your sugar. Start with 1 cup. Then add more to your desired sweetness. We’ve found 1 1/2 cups of sugar tastes good.

Now add 6 cups of water to your pitcher


Stir and add ice and garnish with lemon slices.

And there you have it folks. Fresh squeezed lemonade. Add some ice and lemon slices to your cup and it’s just like your at the fair.




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